PICC Protection Indemnity Clause China Insurance Clauses 中国人民保险公司保障与赔偿条款
Study of Some Issues on 'Employment and Indemnity Clause' in Time Charter 定期租船合同中使用与赔偿条款若干问题研究
Legal Reflection on China s Countermeasures for Peculiar Safeguard Clause in Post-transition Period of Entry into WTO; PICC Protection Indemnity Clause 入世后过渡期我国应对特别保障条款的法律思考中国人民保险公司保障与赔偿条款
The present indemnity system of body injury by public installations in Japan was established in the State Indemnity Act, Clause 2, issued by the government on 27th, Oct. 1947年10月27日,日本颁布了国家赔偿法,而该法第2条确立了现行的公共营造物致人损害赔偿制度。
This paper describes the properties of priority of indemnity stipulated in clause 286 of 《 Contract Law 》 and explores effective and reasonable application of priority of indemnity by construction enterprise. 本文阐释了《合同法》第286条中优先受偿权的性质,并对建筑企业合理有效地行使优选受偿权进行了探讨。